Enhanced Network and Donut!

Let's start 2025!

Hey everyone,

Happy New Year!

Sorry for the lack of news over the past few weeks. We spent the end of the year in Mexico, and after being stranded for a night TWICE in the Houston airport, we are finally back home!

In today's newsletter, I'll share two main product releases (and some smaller, nice updates) on the Viz Extensions. We published this work at the end of last year but didn't have the time to share it.

The topics of the following two newsletters are already set: next week, I'll share the recap of 2024, similar to what we did for 2023, and then I'll share our plan and goals for this year, similar to last January.

Network: version 2

Our free Network generator was our very first product. Recently, with Viz Extension, you no longer need to convert your data into JSON; you can build a complex network with two simple drag-and-drop operations.

However, our first release lacked some important features.

First, you can now use the Color marks to add data-driven color to your network. This was quite challenging, as colors in Tableau usually de-aggregate the view, which is not necessarily what you want here.

So, we added two essential options: whether you wish to split your nodes by color and at what level (source or target) the color should be applied.

The second option that was requested multiple times is the option to configure the size of the links based on a field. This is now possible, and you can set the size of the sources, targets, and links independently with different fields.

These changes required adding some options in the .trex file, so if you were using the previous network trex file, you'll need to download the new one. You can download them at this link: https://extensions.ladataviz.com/get

Give it a try; you can test all these options for free with the .trex available here.

Donut 🍩

Making a donut in Tableau is a rite of passage everyone must go through to move from beginner to advanced. But with Viz Extension, the good old dual-axis of MAX(0) (or whatever your preference) is no longer needed.

With our Donut Extension, you can create a donut with two drag-and-drop. Since we have already built dozens of them, we know the importance of having a BAN in the middle. You can also do that very quickly!

As for the network, you can download the free version of the extension here:

Of course, this new extension is automatically added to all who have bought the Pack!

Here are a few other enhancements we made for all Viz Extensions:

  • You can resize the Format Extension window.

  • If you set a custom font in the Format -> Workbook menu, it will change the font in all viz extension labels (this was already the case, but it did not work in a few extensions and not in the color legend).

Ok, that is it for this week!

Don't miss next week's newsletter about the recap of 2024!

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If you have any suggestions, feedback is appreciated!