Viz Extensions FAQ

All you need to know to get started

Tableau 2024.2 is coming very soon, and with that, Viz Extensions.

Today’s newsletter will answer all the frequently asked questions to prepare you for the official launch.

What are Viz Extensions?

Viz Extensions expands Tableau's visualization options, making it easier for anyone to create new visualization types without any calculations or templates.

Technically, Viz Extensions is a portal between a Tableau Worksheet and a web page that allows the creation of visualizations using d3, SVGs, javascript, or any web technology.

Can the Viz Extension access my data?

The Viz Extension cannot access your data source’s raw data or fields. However, the Extension obviously needs some data to render a visualization.

When you drag and drop a field to a Marks Card, the summarized, aggregated data is sent to the Extension.

As a recognized Tableau Partner, you can trust that your data is never stored anywhere, not even temporarily. Like every tool we create, everything happens only inside your browser.

For added security, our extensions are available on the cloud, hosted by us, but also on-premise if you want complete control (more about that later).

How to add a Viz Extension?

You can easily add a new Viz Extension directly from a worksheet in the Marks Card by using the Add Extensions button. Then, you can choose to use published Viz Extensions from the Tableau Exchange (built by Tableau Partners like us) or Local Viz Extensions (.trex file).

How to use a Viz Extension?

Once you have added Viz Extensions to your worksheet, how you use it will depend on how it was developed. However, they all have a few things in common:

  • Custom Marks Cards: Each Viz Extension will have specific and new Marks Cards (like Source and Target for a Network). You can drag and drop fields on these cards as you are used to.

  • Mandatory Detail and Tooltip: It is not possible to deactivate Detail and Tooltip Cards, even though they can sometimes not be used.

  • Disabled Columns and Rows: Currently, it is impossible to use the Columns or Rows when using a Viz Extension.

  • Format Extension: This button opens a new popup for more configuration and formatting. The developers can completely customize the content of this popup.

On top of that, all of our Extensions will include the following:

  • Start page with a Getting Started explanation

  • Tooltip and hover-over effect

  • Selection (and multi-selection) to perform Action filters

  • Reactive configuration window (instant change in the visualization)

Where can I use Viz Extensions?

Viz Extensions will be available in Tableau Desktop, Server, and Online.

Only Sandboxed Extensions will be available in Tableau Public. For the moment, only Tableau’s own Sankey is sandboxed.

We want to have our Extensions being available as Sandboxed Extensions so you can use them on Tableau Public.
Unfornately, this is not up to us but between Tableau’s hand. If you’d like to use you Extensions on Tableau Public, please let Tableau know!

You'll need to enable the Viz Extensions on your Tableau Server or Online environment in the settings for them to run:

How many Viz Extensions will be available at launch?

We have created ten Viz Extensions that are available at launch directly on the Tableau Exchange.

Of course, we don’t plan to stop there, and we will release more in the coming months.

How much does it cost?

We have three different pricing levels:

  • Free: You can use all of our Viz Extensions in your workbook for free. You can test all the advanced customization options, but these will not be saved.

  • Cloud—$10 / Extension: You can purchase a license for $10 to unlock the full potential of the Viz Extensions and save your advanced customizationsWe will also have a pack to buy all the Extensions at once for a discounted price.

  • On-premiseYou can get and host the extensions in your secure environment. The cost will include a one-time setup fee that includes monthly updates with new features and chart types, followed by a yearly maintenance fee to continue receiving updates. The exact price for the on-premise Extension has not yet been finalized.

This is the pricing at launch, and it may change in the future.

Where can I get a license?

Just like BANg and the Figma to Tableau Plugin, we are using Lemon Squeezy to handle the payment and license generation.

You can buy individual Viz Extension or the pack directly at
Each license is personal and cannot be shared.

For on-premise installation, please reach out directly.

Can I get the Viz Extensions in my secure environment?

Yes. We can share a packaged version of our Viz Extensions that does not require any internet connection.

You can then host this version in your environment and make it available to your internal user.

Can I get a personalized Viz Extension?

Yes. The Viz Extensions we are releasing are standardized advanced charts that are usable in many ways.

However, you may want a specific chart, predefined design, or special interactions to fit your use case.

We are happy to help and realize your next custom extensions. You can reach out at [email protected].

That’s it for this week!

You can reach us easily over there:
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If you have any suggestions, feedback is appreciated!