Making Information more Beautiful

and some product and event updates

Welcome to Uncharted Area!

Yes, the newsletter went through some rebranding, and we’ll all agree it’s better than the “Ladataviz Newsletter”).

The content will not change much; I’ll do my best to share (more often) news about the three main topics: data visualization, product updates, and our journey as a small remote dataviz studio.

This week, I want to share an update on BANg, some thoughts about the Information is Beautiful Awards, some nice Tableau Public visualizations, and upcoming events.

Create Line and Area Chart with BANg

One of the most requested features (after the dynamic date selection released a few weeks ago) is now available. You can now display your KPI evolution as a bar 📊, line 📈, or area chart.

If you’re new to the newsletter or unsure what BANg is or how to use it, you can check out my YouTube video. In one sentence, BANg is my latest tool that allows you to build a KPI dashboard in just minutes by generating all the calculations, worksheets, and a nice dashboard directly in your workbook.

Coming soon(ish):

  • Compare your KPI with a target

  • Generate KPIs based on different data sources

  • Generate the calculations without the sheets or dashboard

  • Generate just the worksheet and dashboard if you already have all the calculations ready

Information is Beautiful with AdvViz!

Between working with clients, building products, and creating content, I barely published any visualizations this year and had nothing to share at the annual Information is Beautiful Awards.

It was a pleasant surprise when I started to get mentioned for visualizations featured in the Long List because people used AdvViz to create networks, Voronoï treemap, Sankeys, and more for their Tableau Public dashboard.

Here’s all (hopefully I didn’t miss any) the Tableau dashboards that use one of the generators and made it to the list:

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