Generate the Perfect Slides - Part Two

Small variations and big upscale

Back from London! We had a great time, thanks to all the London Tableau User Group organizers, speakers, and attendees. At the event, I revealed the new tool we are working on and created a new Tableau Public visualization in collaboration with Jessica (@latinaviz).

In the following newsletters, we will explain how we built this visualization, and I’ll tell you more about the new tool, but first, we have to finish what we started last week: make perfect slides with Midjourney.

Last week, we created our first image and, thanks to the seed, generated the other ones in a similar, coherent style. Today, I will show you how to quickly correct some aspects of the generated pictures and enhance their quality with an excellent free tool!

Easy fix for your generated images

Midjourney has a new feature that allows you to generate variations of an image by only regenerating a portion of it. It means that you can easily change a small aspect of a picture that you dislike.

In the bottom right image below, I don’t particularly appreciate that people are walking under the bridge in what is supposed to be the water:

Let’s start by upscaling the image on the bottom right by clicking “U4”. Then, we can use the new “Vary (Region)” button on the upscaled version. This will open a new window allowing you to select the area where you want to make variations:

After selecting the area containing the people walking on the water, here are the four newly generated images. As you can see, no one is on the water:

Using the same process, I generated all the pictures I needed for the presentation. The background color is not exactly similar, but the style and composition are coherent:

Upscale your image

Midjourney is a fantastic tool to generate images. However, I was always frustrated at the quality of the pictures. If you put them on a slide and present them on a big screen, they always look pixelated:

Good news: I found a tool that upscales your image, and the best part is that it is free, runs offline, and is open source!

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